
João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Cortisol, Genetics & Stress

Stress resilience varies dramatically from person to person. Some individuals remain unshaken in high-pressure situations, while others struggle with even moderate stressors. Why? The answer largely comes down to cortisol regulation, and at the core of that regulation lies genetics

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Connecting With Ourselves (In A Hyperconnected World)

In today’s fast-paced and always-online culture,stress and burnout have become an almost inevitable part of modern life. We are constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, social media updates, news cycles, and endless streams of entertainment. While technology has brought incredible convenience and connectivity, it has also created a society where true rest and introspection are rare. This is why intentionally disconnecting from the digital world (stepping away from social media, news, streaming, and work) can be one of the most profound ways to combat stress and reconnect with ourselves.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Ashwagandha: A New Tool To Combat Burnout

In today's fast-paced world, burnout has become a common issue affecting professionals, students, and even stay-at-home parents. Chronic stress, long work hours, and emotional exhaustion can take a toll on both the body and mind. While lifestyle changes like sleep, exercise, and mindfulness are essential for burnout recovery, many people are turning to natural supplements for extra support. One of the most popular and well-researched herbs for stress management is ashwagandha.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

The Link Between Exercise And Burnout

Burnout is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue, especially in high-pressure work environments. It is often characterized by three key symptoms: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization (feeling detached from work and colleagues), and reduced personal accomplishment. As people seek solutions to mitigate the effects of burnout, one promising intervention stands out: physical activity.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

The Sleep-Performance Connection

Research has consistently shown that sleep directly impacts cognitive function, decision-making, creativity, and physical performance. Those who sacrifice sleep for extra hours of work may see short-term gains, but over time, their productivity, focus, and even health suffer.

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Burnout Miguel Damas Burnout Miguel Damas

Burnout Is Not What You Think: Challenging the Status Quo for High Performers

The WHO’s definition of burnout as a workplace issue limits the conversation. It reduces a complex, multifaceted condition to something that can be solved with better work-life balance or time off. While these factors are important, they are only a piece of the puzzle.

Burnout in high achievers often results from the convergence of several interrelated mechanisms

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Aiming For Cardiovascular Health

The main consequence of the dysregulation of this part of human metabolism is undoubtedly the development of atherosclerosis.

Unfortunately, the usual medical approach to these issues, except for particular exceptions, typically begins subtly around the age of 40 and more effectively around the age of 50.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Cholesterol (Part III) - The Case For Action

The first two parts of this series on cholesterol discussed the need to clarify some notions about this topic that can help us better understand the impact of this molecule on the body, as well as to know the best dietary interventions to optimize our health in this area. With this final part, the aim is to integrate this information so that I can explain my perspective on the most appropriate way to approach this issue, in light of my interpretation of current knowledge.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Cholesterol (Part II) - The Case For Discussion

However, cholesterol and triglycerides are the main "cargo" transported by lipoproteins, and among these, LDLs are the lipoproteins with the highest atherogenic potential. As we saw in the previous text, the higher the number of LDL particles, the greater the possibility of atherosclerosis development.

Thus, how can we shape our diet to decrease the number of LDL particles and not promote the emergence of atherosclerotic plaques in our vessels?

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Cholesterol (Part I) - The Case For Correction

The word cholesterol is on everyone's mind when we talk about health problems related to the consumption of fatty foods. Since the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, when studies with significant impact were published in the USA, crusades against cholesterol have been waged, with awareness campaigns to reduce the consumption of foods high in cholesterol and, when necessary, to undergo targeted pharmacological therapy. All of this is due to the apparent negative consequences of high cholesterol levels on cardiovascular health, particularly in the role they play in the formation of fat plaques in our arteries (atherosclerosis) and the problems that can arise from this (e.g., acute myocardial infarctions).

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Longevity & Medicine

The word "longevity" is increasingly on everyone's lips. In various media, we frequently see this theme portrayed, whether by individuals without health training trying to disseminate some concepts and strategies with varying degrees of validity, or by professionals dedicated to it, approaching it from different angles.

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Miguel Damas Miguel Damas

The Day I Became Half The Man I Want To Be.

Now that a couple of months went by, I can tell you that, together with my wedding day and the birth of my daughter, it was the happiest day of my life and that's exactly the reason I'm sharing this story with you: if I was able to do it, anyone can - even if you don't believe me.

I am not a special individual, a great sportsman able to tackle all and every challenge successfully. I had to overcome almost impossible challenges and perform some miracles to cross than line. I just started with that decision of saying enough is enough and taking one step at a time on the journey towards my goal.

I just wish you could feel the level of peace, happiness and freedom I felt on that day.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

The Comparison Trap

Public figures are the target of recurring adoration for various reasons. Until a few years ago, the most common reason was to admire their work, by itself, or the products of that work.

With the advent of social media, we all began to have different access to the personal and professional lives of some of these figures. In addition to the usual interest in the lives of celebrities, there has also been growing the dissemination of information related to the work habits of some of them, especially on more professionally oriented platforms like LinkedIn, with the proliferation of information about the daily routines of some of today's top entrepreneurs, for example.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

The End Of The Hustle Culture

The hustle culture prevailed during the second decade of the twenty-first century. Largely driven by the vigorous growth of Silicon Valley companies and personified by some figures in this field who became genuine pop idols, this approach to work (and life in general) in which the idea of always wanting more, and striving to be the best every day in all aspects of our lives, is promoted, became the ideal model for navigating the wild world of work during that period.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Run For Your Life

Physical activity is something that, as is commonly known, allows us to improve various aspects of our health. As doctors, it is common for us to recommend its practice adapted to each individual's needs. Without considering the specificities of high-level competitive sports, it is through physical activity that we seek, for example, to lose weight, reduce blood pressure, among other benefits.

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

Artificial Intelligence In Our Pockets

In recent months, we have witnessed an exponential development of artificial intelligence (AI). This technology, which occasionally made headlines with some new application in various technological niches, exploded when the possibility of each of us using online AI assistants was recently made available. 

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João Pedro Neto João Pedro Neto

A Refreshing Approach To Sleep

Some say that the regenerative abilities of sleep are the closest thing to a superpower that humans can aspire to.

When structured correctly, a good night's sleep can help us recover from physical exhaustion, reduce anxiety levels, or even unlock a problem that has been in our minds for several days.

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Miguel Damas Miguel Damas

Death By Email

It is indisputable that email has made our lives easier.

It has changed the world by bringing people closer, making communication faster than ever before, and allowing us to accomplish tasks at a speed that just three decades ago would have seemed beyond crazy. It is not possible to imagine living without email

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Miguel Damas Miguel Damas

How Food Intolerances Can Be Part Of A World Title

The field of medicine that I am most passionate about is human performance optimization - seeking and adopting strategies to surpass limits, stay ahead of competition, and reach the pinnacle. I'm fascinated by endurance and athletes who are capable of repeatedly pushing the boundaries of human potential. Particularly those who can swim 3.8 km in open waters, cycle 180 km, and finish with a marathon run.

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