Corporate & Speaking
Going beyond average.
The success of a team, department, or company depends on its human resources, their ability to develop the best work, to achieve high levels of excellence and to consistently do so, day after day. The best clients seek the best results, and for this, they want to rely on the best professionals.
However, the opposite is also true: when people fail, everything fails. When the quality of their work decreases, when they become ineffective, when they can't perform at their best, the excellence of their leadership, creativity, and decision-making skills decreases considerably.
Why do the best professionals fail? Is it due to lack of pride, ambition or will? Unlikely. High-achievers seek to be and perform at their best. The answer lies elsewhere.

It is not enough to have the most technical knowledge!
It is essential to have the ability to use it in the best way.
To be creative in the strategies to implement, to have resilience and physical, mental and emotional endurance that allows pursuing objectives without breaking down at crunch time, and to maintain motivation, energy, and focus.
Being at 100% is needed to achieve this.
Optimal physical, cerebral, and mental performance is mandatory to achieve it. And here lies the dilemma that needs to be solved: wanting to achieve excellence with mediocrity.
Look, it’s not normal to always:
‣ be tired;
‣ be anxious;
‣ be overweight;
‣ have insomnia;
‣ depend on stimulants;
‣ not be able to focus;
‣ feel below what you know is possible;
‣ live at 53% of your capacity.
None of this is normal or supposed to happen!
However, it is common or even expected to feel this way. In fact, most people experience one or more of these examples. This is the norm. This is the average. What is the probability of being as good as you could be, producing the best results, being excellent when your health and performance are average?
Is it more likely that the best leaders, managers, or directors function "like the average" or are biologically, physiologically, and mentally optimized, capable of using their full potential? This is the ongoing revolution of optimizing human health and performance. To win, it's not enough to be well, you need more:
You need to be optimal.

The Path to Optimization.
Being and feeling great begins with a decision:
That being average is not enough for us, that we are capable of more and better, that we are programmed for it. Once the decision is made, effective strategies are needed to achieve it.
Let's take mental health as an example.
With the pandemic, there has been a significant increase in anxiety, worldwide - data from the World Health Organization published in March 2022 shows a 25% increase in its prevalence. In Portugal, this increase raised the percentage of the population diagnosed with anxiety disorders to 25-30%.
There are many explanations for this increase, considering the sudden changes we all had to make in various areas of our personal and professional lives. But if we all had to make these changes - living with the doubt of infection, adopting new work habits (likely working remotely, while living within 4 walls) - why didn't we all become anxious? Because we are not all the same.
Some people are more susceptible and have greater resilience and adaptability to new situations. Contrary to common belief, these characteristics are not "mental" but physical.
In other words, there is no mental health without physical health, and ignoring this fact puts the success of effective strategies to optimize emotional well-being at risk.
The greater the physical capacity*, the greater the stability of mood and mental health:
*physiological and metabolic, both globally and particularly cerebral.
‣ Anxiety states negatively influence heart rate variability, measurable through wearables, according to the study “Anxiety disorders are associated with reduced heart rate variability”, a meta-analysis published in 2014, unequivocally pointing to the relationship between physical and mental health, including the possibility of detecting these states in advance.
‣ The study “A comparison of sugar intake between individuals with high and low trait anxiety: results from the NutriNet-Santé study”, published in 2021, reported that individuals with higher anxiety consume, on average, higher amounts of sugar daily, while high-quality fat intake is associated with lower anxiety, according to the study Higher dietary fat quality is associated with lower anxiety score in women: a cross-sectional study, published in 2020.
‣ According to the Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation (in quantity but particularly in quality) instigates or aggravates symptoms of anxiety.
‣ The evidence review “Effects of regulating intestinal microbiota on anxiety symptoms: a systemic review”, published in 2019, states that regulating the intestinal flora can treat anxiety symptoms with an efficacy rate of 86%.
‣ According to the study “The effects of music & auditory beat stimulation on anxiety: a randomized clinical trial”, published in 2022, auditory stimulation with binaural sounds with theta frequency is effective in reducing anxiety.
‣ A review of the existing scientific evidence, seeking answers from different disciplines - medicine, nutrition, psychology, sports physiology, sociology, health tech - as these examples demonstrate, opens the door to the development of integrated, effective, and innovative strategies aimed at optimizing human health and performance.
This is the essence of
Prime Human Performance
Optimizing human health and performance so that the body-brain-mind is not the limiting factor in each person's journey, but rather an allie, helping us achieve the highest possible success, both personally and professionally.
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Prime Human Performance events.
Often, the doubt is not about wanting to be your best version but rather how to do it. How to navigate the overwhelming amount of information available and know how to apply science to everyday life and real life.
With Prime Human Performance talks and events,
We want managers, entrepreneurs, and high-achievers to have the understanding, knowledge, and tools to achieve above-average levels of health and performance.
By maintaining a practical and pragmatic approach to these topics, we are able to translate the science into actionable tools, strategies, and techniques, in particular in fields such as:
‣ Biohacking
‣ Brain Nutrition
‣ Sleep
‣ Physical Activity and Exercise
‣ Health-tech
‣ Data Interpretation
‣ Performance Coaching
‣ Mental Health
Whether getting started in the areas of human health and performance or a seasoned corporate athlete, our events will help everyone to move closer to be the best version of themselves.
Doing today what others will do tomorrow.
Despite the solid scientific basis on which it rests, the optimization of the human body, brain, and mind, like biohacking, can still be viewed with suspicion and seen as something only adoptable by visionaries and innovators. But soon, even the most skeptical will have to adopt this type of approach to keep up with the times.
There is no doubt: the focus on performance optimization is the future that is already present.
Increasing the well-being, productivity, and capacity of human resources in an updated, unique, and innovative way. It is the best investment any institution with the ambition of being and continuing to be a leader can make today, ensuring its place ahead of other competitors. It's about doing today what others will have to do tomorrow.
Bring Prime Human Performance to your company.
Let us talk with you about the process.