Most of us want to be successful in life, whatever that means:
Building a company or a community, reaching a personal goal or milestone, or getting home at the end of a workday with enough energy to play with our kids.
We wake up every day to go after that goal and to pursue our dreams. But sometimes we feel that something is preventing us from getting there:
‣ We feel tired
‣ We cannot think clearly
‣ We feel unable to cope with what life is throwing at us
We feel overwhelmed, stuck, and unhappy.
It's like we are limiting ourselves, we are not able to support our own personal quest for the life we dream of.
How crazy is it that we are our own limiting factor?
We try to mask things up with some common strategies to push more and more:
‣ We drink more coffee
‣ We work longer and harder (yet, not smarter)
‣ We tell ourselves that it's probably normal or that we are only getting older
Indeed, that is how most people feel.
Data from all around the world tells us just that - from the EU to Australia, from the UAE to the UK.
That's what average looks like: feeling tired, being unable to think, and living below the level of performance we can achieve.
The million-dollar question is quite clear:
‣ How can we expect to thrive in life if we have average levels of health, performance, and happiness?
It's quite easy:
We absolutely can’t!
No one could ever achieve the best results by being average!
That's what Prime Human Performance is all about:
Helping you get closer to your goals and dreams by optimizing your performance levels.
"Oh, that's good... but how
do you do it?"
We focus on three major areas:
Resilience and Stress Management
Sleep and Recovery
Brain and Mental Performance
Resilience and Stress Management
Is a part of our lives and is directly related to ambition and success: the higher we are or want to be; the greater the pressure, demands, and stress.
Wanting to eliminate stress is both utopian and empty because it is impossible to live without it. Instead of focusing efforts on doing it, we should try to reduce its impact on the body.
There are several angles
from which we can approach this:
Comes when we are able to deal with what life throws at us without breaking down, maintaining the focus on where we want to go and in the bigger picture.
Part of it stems from having the stress responses tuned and checked, able to hold ourselves up in challenging times and keep us going.
Sleep and Recovery
Sleep and Recovery
Are essential aspects of our lives, and they are directly related to our physical and mental health and performance.
It's quite simple:
The better we sleep and recover, the better equipped we are to handle the challenges and demands of our daily lives.
For that reason, prioritizing is mandatory and crucial if we want to be the best versions of ourselves, especially when stakes are high - and not bragging about neglecting them: that's average.
We must recognize their value in our lives and as a key part of the priming journey.
We address this
through different lenses:
Brain and Mental Performance
Wanting to
Improve our Mental and Brain Performance
Is not only realistic but also essential to our success and happiness.
Instead of settling for average or subpar performance, we can take steps to enhance our cognitive abilities and optimize our brain function.
Naturally, improving sleep, recovery and stress management will have a tremendous impact on the performance of the brain and the mind.
Beyond that,
we look into specific topics related to this:
The priming of these areas will not only improve the cognitive function but, more critically, the emotional one.
The science has been getting clearer and clearer on how feeling anxious, helpless and overwhelmed can be improved by:
Optimizing our brain function.
We use tools that science has provided us.
From interpreting data in an integrated manner, to defining multifaceted plans, using techniques, knowledge, and approaches that have been shown to be most effective in each situation.
We turn to the best laboratories
To carry out extensive and comprehensive metabolic and physiological evaluations, including genetic, urinary, blood, fecal, and salivary tests.
We use data provided by gadgets and wearables
To do regular evaluations and feedback, both before starting the program and during the intervention.
We define plans with different aspects
Nutrition | Medicine | Psychology | Lifestyle | Supplementation | Biohacking.
Based on the data obtained.